$CASH Tokenomics
Stabl.Fi's $CASH token differentiates itself from traditional yield-bearing stablecoins by leveraging an external treasury owned by Stabl Labs (we call it the Overcollateralization Treasury or OC Treasury) that farms in higher-yielding strategies as well as collects revenue from Retro, and passes those higher yields to $CASH holders.
This enables $CASH holders to benefit from non-collateral stable farming strategies, and even non-stablecoin farming strategies - all while being 100% collateralized in "safe" stables.
The OC Treasury also serves as an "insurance policy." Unfortunate events happen in DeFi. If one of these events were to happen, the treasury itself can be used to compensate a loss of funds. Knowing that there are reserve funds available should bring greater peace of mind to investors. As already stated, however, $CASH collateral is farming much safer strategies than what is typically found in a traditional yield-bearing stablecoin portfolio.
The Stabl.Fi ecosystem is made up of 2 treasuries - the $CASH Treasury and the OC Treasury.
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